Sunday, February 21, 2010

Newspapers against free speech

An important victory for the First Amendment in the U.S. Supreme Court is being treated by the left-wing media as just the reverse.
Corporations can spend money on political campaigns, the court said in the Citizens United case.
Makes sense. The law says corporations are persons. You can tax them. Why shouldn't they be allowed to help decide who will tax them?
Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21, claimed ‘With a stroke of the pen, five Justices wiped out a century of American history devoted to preventing corporate corruption of our democracy."
Nonsense. It was in 1990 that the Supreme Court said politicians could squelch free speech by corporations and unions. That led to the McCain-Feingold law purporting to do just that. Citizens United corrected the 1990 error, just as the Brown case in 1954 corrected the earlier Plessy v. Ferguson error.
Still, anti-business politicians were quick to chime in. "The bottom line is, the Supreme Court has just predetermined the winners of next November’s election. It won’t be the Republican or the Democrats and it won’t be the American people; it will be Corporate America," Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D–N.Y., said.
What Schumer, the New York Times and the rest of the liberal world wants, of course, is taxpayer-funded elections. Or, as such legislation might rightly be called, the Incumbent Tenure Act.
The Times also fears anyone else being able to rebut its endorsements and editorials with facts.
Lberals in the media hate free speech for corporations for the same reason they hate and revile lobbyists.
They are competition.
Newspapers want to tell people, including politicians, what to think. Lobbyists provide valuable information to politicians. Ergo, lobbyists are evil.
Each year Florida newspapers engage in a unified lobbying effort to attempt to influence legislation that might protect people's right to privacy and lessen the press's right to pry.
They never call it lobbying, of course. They call it "protecting the people's right to know."
Newspapers constantly bill themselves as the champions of the First Amendment. Turns out you need to read the fine print.

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