Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fizzle factor

The Morning Mistake -- as longtime politico Daughtry Towers used to call it -- has to be embarrassed over the audit of Florida State College operations.
After trying for months to get President Steve Wallace ousted, the paper thought it had him in the crosshairs.
Talk in the newsroom was that he would be "gone by October." I'm sure they were preparing the Pulitzer entry forms.
Then came the audit.
It was stupefyingly mild. Any audit will note a few glitches in any operation. This was no different.
But the big finding was a recommendation to redraw the organizational chart. This is what bureaucrats do when they tire of playing Angry Birds. It rarely accomplishes anything substantive.
Oh, yes, and some people in a survey didn't like Wallace's "management style." Golly, gee whiz.
The paper went on this witch-hunt at the behest of the union crowd at the college, I'm certain, and with constant input and attaboys from the agitators. Unionists live for the purpose of be-deviling and when possible beheading college presidents and administrators. Then they can say to prospective members, "See how powerful we are?"
All they need are gullible editors to make their jobs easier.
One unionist tried to take a victory lap via a letter to the editor. But it was as soggy as the stories were.
This story never amounted to much and was way oversold.
If Wallace does decide to move on to a more appreciative venue it would not be surprising. But it would be Jacksonville's loss.

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