Monday, October 14, 2019

Another day of hate for liberals

Today is the day liberals devote to their annual distortion of world history by trashing the great explorer Christopher Columbus.
Columbus was long venerated for finding a viable route to this continent that led to sustained visitations and then colonization.
So it was inevitable that when liberals turned against America they extended their hate to all of Western Civilization, which had given birth to capitalism – the greatest economic system ever devised and an enemy of the socialism that liberals prefer.
Liberal historians spent decades revising history and teaching American students the fiction that rather than opening a New World, Columbus destroyed an ancient civilization that was a utopian dream.
It is all bunk, but there are those who take it seriously.
Although the life of Columbus is not well documented, he was an Italian who had acquired great skills in navigation and believed he could find a route sailing east from Europe to China. He did not prove the world was not flat because most educated people of the time knew it is a sphere but they had not been able to calculate its circumference.
Trade and gold were among his goals, along with spreading Christianity. These all indicated he was evil, according to liberals.
They also deplored his treatment of the people already living in the areas he visited, although he used standard tactics of people in the 15th century.
But all the twisting of fact cannot change what Columbus accomplished and the impact it had on history.
Happy Columbus Day.

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